Page 14 - Endowed Professorships | Simon Business School
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Making a gift that will last in
perpetuity aligns you with the

forward-thinking benefactors who,
over decades past, helped build the
William E. Simon School
of Business.

A named professorship will There are several types of endowed professorships, as well as
continue to make an impact for as opportunities to earmark support for faculty leaders, including deans,
long as the University of Rochester department chairs, and directors.

endures. It will stand as a lasting
tribute to you or the person(s) DEANSHIPS ($5 million or more)
you choose to honor and provide
Supporting the salary, benefts, research space, special
an ongoing source of inspiration
projects, programming, and areas of critical need for the
for those who beneft from the dean of the Simon School

recipient’s research and teaching.

DEPAR TMENT CHAIRS ($3 million or more)

Supporting the salary, benefts, and research stipend of the
department chair

DIRECT ORSHIPS ($2.5 million or more)
Supporting a director of a research center, administrative
department, or program at Simon

PROFES SORSHIPS ($1 million or more)

Supporting the salary, benefts, research stipend,
and programming for the individual who holds the

Endowed professorships include:
• Distinguished Professorships ($2 million or more)
• Professorships ($1.5 million or more)
• Visiting Professorships ($1 million or more)
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