Page 15 - Endowed Professorships | Simon Business School
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In our formative years, each of us learned in ways that no test could evaluate or assess.
We can easily recall experiences we had with teachers, mentors, and others who inspired

us, challenged us to face tough questions head-on, and encouraged us to take risks in the
pursuit of discovery.

This is higher education at its best. We call our professors thought leaders for the expertise
they bring to their felds and for their ability to help students see beyond perceived

boundaries. We look to our professors to generate breakthrough moments for Rochester,
our nation, and our world.

The value of endowed professorships extends well beyond the Simon School’s footprint.

Your gift will empower exceptional minds and embolden our most talented faculty
members to imagine, explore, and create. These are the pursuits that will change lives.

Donors who support endowed professorships often say they do so not for themselves, but
for those who follow. They wish to empower the next generation of entrepreneurs, analysts,

and researchers. We encourage you to join the Simon campaign where, together, we will
pioneer an “ever better” Rochester and an “ever better” world.


Gifts to establish an endowed professorship are invested as permanent, Further information about gifts of
dedicated funds in the University’s endowment. The principal of the endowment at Simon is available
by contacting:
gift remains intact, with a portion of the annual earnings providing
a perpetual source of funding. Annual earnings from the fund Christian Gordon
typically support the salary, benefts, and professional activities of a Executive Director, Simon School
professorship holder. Some funds are used at an endowed professor’s Advancement, University of Rochester

discretion to support teaching and research activities. The Simon 585.273.1756
School would be pleased to discuss options for structuring an
endowed professorship in a discipline of your choice.
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