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Research: The Key to Lifesaving Cancer Treatment and Care

                           Every day, dedicated cancer researchers at the Wilmot Cancer Institute work hard to
                           answer key questions about how cancer cells develop and spread, how to keep cancer
                           survivors healthy, and how to provide targeted approaches for a new generation of
                           precision cancer treatment—one with higher success rates and lower toxicity.

                           In order to move forward in our quest to cure cancer, we are seeking to raise $30

                           million for cancer research, while providing the best cancer care to patients in

                           Rochester and to those who travel here from across the nation. Research differentiates

                           us from other providers in upstate New York. Our unique collaborative culture creates

                           synergy in all aspects of research, from basic bench science to clinical trials. Our

                           scientists and clinicians/researchers are now centered on four key programs:

Jonathan Friedberg         hallmarks of cancer, blood cancers, solid tumors, and cancer control and survivorship.

& Hartmut Land             In 2005, we embarked on a campaign to build a new, comprehensive cancer center to

                           better care for our patients. With the leadership of the Wilmot family, and the

generous support of our patients, our vision to set a gold standard of care was realized. Today, with the Wilmots’ on-going

support of fellows—young, entrepreneurial scientists with bright ideas—and their new commitment to establish the Wilmot

Distinguished Professorship in Cancer Genomics, they are once again leading the way to provide a new gold standard for

patients, not only in Rochester, but across the nation, and around the world. Cancer genomics will help us understand the

changes that occur in cancer cells and develop new therapies to advance through clinical trials, in order to provide precision

cancer care for patients.

We have a great history of discovery, innovation, and collaboration at the Wilmot Cancer Institute. With your involvement
and support, you can lead us to a future in which you have helped us better understand cancer, developed new life-saving
discoveries that hold the keys to eradicating this disease, and in which more and more patients are cancer survivors.

Best Regards,

Jonathan Friedberg, M.D., M.M.Sc.           Hartmut “Hucky” Land, Ph.D.

Director, James P. Wilmot Cancer Institute  Director of Research and Co-Director,
                                            James P. Wilmot Cancer Institute

   “We are proud to lead the campaign for the Wilmot Cancer Institute. Our          Richard Bell & Robert Kessler
researchers dedicate their lives to developing better ways to treat—and ultimately

    cure—cancer, helping people not only in Rochester, but around the world.
                                       Please join us.”

                          —Richard Bell & Robert Kessler,
               Co-Chairs, Wilmot Cancer Institute Campaign

ON THE COVER: Lei Xu, Ph.D., investigates how cancer cells spread from their original location to other areas in the body.
Metastasis is a major cause of death in many cancer patients, but how it occurs is still unclear.
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